Other recent New Hampshire settlements secured by Attorney Cappiello include:
$1.5 Million Settlement
Untreated Pulmonary Embolism Results in Death
This medical malpractice action claimed the patient’s cardiologist failed to recognize and report evidence of pulmonary embolism on ultrasound, resulting in 58-year-old man's death days later from cardiopulmonary arrest.
$1 Million Settlement
Failure to Properly Perform Vascular Surgery Causes Paralysis
This medical malpractice lawsuit claims the surgeon should not have performed both abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and aorto-femoral bypass in the same surgery. The 65-year-old NH woman was left with permanent lower extremity paralysis.
View More Verdicts and Settlements
For a searchable listing of other medical malpractice verdicts and settlements by Lubin & Meyer attorneys, visit: lubinandmeyer.com/cases/.
Attorney Cappiello is admitted to practice in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He is a member of the Massachusetts Bar Association, the New Hampshire Bar Association, the American Association for Justice, and the New Hampshire Association for Justice.
Lubin & Meyer PC - New Hampshire's Leader in Medical Malpractice Law
Questions about an injury or death due to medical mistakes? Contact our medical malpractice lawyers for a free case review in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, or Rhode Island.